All posts by admin

On Protest

We talk a lot about the way people protest.  When a group rallies to protest, we complain that they’re blocking traffic or impeding normal day to day life.  When those protests turn violent (either by circumstance, intent, or outside manipulation) we argue that they’re criminals, why should we listen to them?  When students walk out of their own graduation in protest, we call them disrespectful or crybabies.  When a professional football player takes a knee to silently but visibly protest about something he believes strongly, we call him unpatriotic.

I say “we” in this because sometimes I have those knee-jerk reactions.   They’re always very brief, but I still sometimes have them.  I personally, have only a few things that I could protest that affect me directly.  I’m not black, I’m not gay, I’m not a woman, I’m not transgender, I’m not hispanic.  But I am human.  And I am affected by changes to our education and healthcare policies, so I do have a few things to “personally” protest.  So I’ve been thinking a lot about protest lately, and the way that change is enacted.

Protest doesn’t work at all if the person(s)/idea(s)/organization(s) being protest isn’t(aren’t) inconvenienced in some way.  An invisible protest isn’t a protest at all.  Nobody would have noticed or commented, if 100+ graduates simply hadn’t shown up.  If that football player had waited to take a knee when he got home, would we have talked about the issue he raised at all?

We complain about the way people protest, and we condemn the moment that protest turns violent.  But we also have to think about why protests do turn violent.  Sometimes, it’s a plan B.  Sometimes, something happens to escalate it into violence.  Someone is attacked, something is thrown, someone is pepper sprayed, etc.  Violence leads to more violence.  Sometimes groups infiltrate peaceful protests to incite violence, and make the protesters look bad.

Violence is never the answer, but it happens.  We need to look at ways to keep protest from becoming violent.  The first and second reasons I listed above can be mitigated.  The third, I just don’t know.

So what’s the answer?  You know as well as I do there isn’t ONE answer.  But I think I may know one way.  We, those of us who aren’t disenfranchised in one or more ways, or even those of us who are disenfranchised in different ways, need to be able to listen to and understand what protests are saying.  And be willing to learn, and be willing to talk, and be willing to change.

We can’t complain about the method of protest, if we’re not willing to provide avenues that WILL work.  And that’s on us.

My Personal Weight Loss Challenge – Day 1

My pants don’t fit anymore. I had gotten down in size, and replaced most of my pants. None of those fit, and the ones that I kept ALMOST don’t fit. I’m not going to buy a larger size.

So… it’s time.

I don’t have a specific plan. I didn’t the last time, either. But that’s ok. I know what I need to do.

  • No more “occasional” sodas. They’ve become less “occasional” lately, and more “sometimes”. None. Gone.
  • No more Gatorade. If I can’t find the Powerade Zeros that I used to like, I’ll find a new one to like.
  • Cut down on the carby snacks. I’m not giving them up completely, at least not until the Lays contest is over, and they get rid of the Tikka Masala kettle chips.
  • More walking.  I used to get more exercise at my job, and I’ve gotten lax on that.
  • More biking.  I miss my bike.  It’s time to get it all back in shape, and start taking the kids for rides.  I hope the weather clears up in the next day or so.
  • Back to salads for lunch.  I went on a stint of eating a carb-heavy, but cheap, lunch every day, and those are all now gone (Blast you and your crazy sales, Kroger).  So it’s time to stop eating like crap.
  • Make an effort to keep track of how much I’m eating.

My current weight is XXX.  Once a week, I’m going to weigh in, and note how far I am from that original, undisclosed number.  When I get to my target, I’ll reveal the numbers.

Also, sorry for dropping the ball on the creative writing.  I was hoping to build off of feedback, but didn’t get any.  I should have known that, though 🙂  My readership is probably a single digit number 🙂

Anyway, my project starts about 20 minutes ago.  I’m back on the salad track with today’s lunch.

Writing challenge thoughts

I’m obviously lagging behind a bit. But I’m ok with that. I won’t be done in 30 days, but I feel like I’m getting somewhere with what I am writing, so I’m gonna stick with it, but at a pace I can work with.

I’ve fallen behind on a number of things, my two programming projects being at the top of the list. As it’s probably obvious to anyone who knows me, these stories are tied heavily to my Gestalt card game project. It’s helping me find my focus and get back into the swing of things.

I am hoping to start generating a bit more feedback, though. I’d like to know if anyone thinks the characters are interesting, or if there’s something I’m not addressing. Of if I’m too concerned with the passage of time. (five years ago, three years ago, etc. Is it really that important to create such a distinct timeline?)

These are mostly just random thoughts, I just knew I wasn’t getting any stories written tonight, so I wanted to at least write something.

Day 03 – Brief

The U.E.C. colonies are a collection of city-states on planets, moons and asteroids in the Sol and neighboring systems. While a few of the planets and one moon were subjected to terraforming that have made them habitable, it was discovered that the terraforming experiments had a significant impact on the orbits of the planets. Deeming further experimentation too dangerous, the remaining colonies have been developed using sealed biospheres either on or within the world. The terraformed worlds are now known as the Core of the U.E.C., or United Earth Colonies.

Belarus is about as far from these core worlds as is currently possible. It has the distinction if being the farthest and second farthest colony from Earth. It shares this distinction with Caliope, another moon orbiting the same gas giant. Their orbits carry them in and out of this rank at various times during an 11.2 year cycle. Belarus is slightly better defended than most of the other mining colonies, as it is the home of the imaginatively named Belarium, which is an integral part of current starfaring research.

While common belief has led mankind away from the notion of life “out there”, the U.E.C. is not without its predators. A few colonies have left the U.E.C. and fringe groups of raiders have developed ships capable of attacking less defended colonies for their supplies. These attacks are very infrequent, but it is quite possible that they have prepared these outlying colonies for a far more dangerous threat.

Brendan knew all of this. He knew that he might help defend Belarus against a raider attack. But his thoughts were far from the nature of Belarus as he continued up the high street into the entertainment district. It would be a joke to call Belarus a thriving metropolis. The buildings within the biosphere are very utilitarian, though there are a number of entertainment facilities to keep the miners happy. So far, Brendan had made one friend, and if he was going to find him anywhere, it was here. If he had any hope of finding his brother’s jacket before something happened to it, he was gonna need Dak’s help.

Something, Something, Something, Networking.

I’ve been wanting to write for several weeks now, but the time just hasn’t been right.  A lot of private things have happened, that are beyond the scope of what I like to write about here, but they involve loss , grief, and general sadness. Those are not the reasons I’ve been wanting to write.

This also isn’t going to be an update about my family.  That one will come soon. (Spoiler alert:  Kids grow up too fast.)

My emotional state has jump started me back into working on my projects that I’ve been not giving enough attention to.  I’ve jumped ship from my previous development platform, though, and am now trying my hand at Unity.  I have to say, it’s pretty powerful, and does a lot of what I want to, and a lot more.  But I feel like I need to learn a lot to really excel with it.

One of the things that I really want to get right with my software is networking support.  My game will support asynchronous online play, and far too many of the games that I play don’t get asynchronous play right.  I’m looking at you, Catan.

I have a very clear vision of how Asynchronous play will look in Gestalt, and it’s a model that has worked very well for games like Ascension and Penny Arcade.  When you load the game, if your credentials are saved, the app connects to the game server.  The server stores a list of games that are active or recently completed, as  well as a move history, the contents of each deck, and individual information about the players.  The contents of hands, discard piles, decks, as well as keeping track of the last move the player participated in.

When you join an existing game, it will set the board to the position it was in the last time you played, and then send you each move that has been made since.  Each of those moves would be displayed to you, then you’ll be able to play your own moves, if it’s your turn.

So I’m spending a lot of time making sure that the routines to handle the network are all in place.  I want to be able to store exactly what I need and retrieve it properly.

I feel like I’m learning a lot every day, but I also feel like the process is going a lot more slowly than I’d like.

I know this is probably my most boring post to date, but I just want to get down some of my thoughts about what I’m working on.

So many things

A lot has happened since my last post.  Almost all of it is good, but some of the good is private, so I won’t be talking about it here.

I’ll hit a few of the main things, though.  Our son, William Edward, was born on February 9.  It was a bit of a dangerous thing, and I’ll just say that I think his namesake was watching out for us. Our daughter is now communicating in full sentences, and is very inquisitive and silly.

We’ve taken our first steps toward buying a house, and moved just last week.   We now have a roommate, a good friend who recently started a job here in town.  I also now have a new “Library” that’s not in a basement!  My decorated mantle is featured above.

One of my best friends lost his mother while he was hospitalized.  I felt terrible that he couldn’t be with her, and that I couldn’t do anything for either of them from here.

I’ve dived back into game design, and am working on a couple of releases for PC and Tablets.  I started a GoFundMe to help pay for the tools I need to do so, and have learned that I have some very good friends.  I’ve started a game programming club at the high school where I work, I’ll update with how that goes.

Once again, I’m going to try to get back to blogging regularly, but there are so many things going on about that I can’t easily talk about, it’s hard to fill a blog with other things.  Ah well.  All things in time.


Holidays and Family (or vice-versa)

I’ve said it all before, I’m sure.  I didn’t grow up with a large extended family, and even after meeting the rest of my family, it was a long time before I ever really got close to any of them.   Jamie came into my life nearly 9 years ago.   I can’t even count the ways that she’s made my life better, but I can certainly appreciate them.

One of the things that could almost be considered a side effect of becoming a part of her life is that I now have this large extended family, that likes to get together frequently, sometimes in small groups, but usually in medium to large groups.  It took me a while to adjust to that, and I may never completely adjust to it, I think it has helped bring me out of my introverted shell.

I’ll probably always be quiet, but since we moved up here, it has become a lot easier to carry on casual conversations with friends, colleagues and family, and I think having this family is a big part of that.

This will probably be the last Christmas we have where we don’t decorate heavily.  We have a small tree, and some decorations, but next year, we’re going to need to go all out with the festivities, I think.  It will probably be the first Christmas that Betty will remember as she grows up.

I didn’t make a post at Thanksgiving time, as I generally don’t think to tell other people what I’m thankful for, but I’m thankful for a lot of things.  I’m thankful for my wonderful wife, who’s probably trying (and failing) to sleep well while I write this.  My wish for her this Christmas is a few good nights of sleep.  I’m thankful for my mother, who made the last legs of our journey with us, and has stood by us daily.  I’m thankful to my new(ish) extended family, who have helped us get to (and stay) where we are.  I’m thankful for my daughter; she makes me smile no matter how crazy my day has been. And I’m thankful for my son, whom I can’t wait to meet.

Sorry this has been kinda rambl-y.  I’ve just had several little things on my mind, and tonight I really just wanted to get some of them out.

Fatherhood N’ Stuff

Nearly two years ago, I introduced all two of my regular readers to my daughter, Betty.  Not that either of my regular readers need an introduction to her, but that’s beside the point.   It’s been an amazing couple of years, some of the details of which I’ve already touched on.   New job, new home, new this, new that.  Those aren’t the reasons I’m writing tonight.

Being a father has changed a lot about me, I think.  Yeah, I’m still obsessed with board games, yeah I am still pretty scatterbrained.  But now I think about different things when I make decisions.  I give certain things a bit more consideration.   I worry more about keeping myself healthy.

Betty’s almost two now.  She’s chattering up a storm, she’s putting some words together, and she’s always telling us what’s what.  She’s a wiz with an iPad; she figures out the puzzle apps way too quickly, in my opinion.  She’s gone from “Da-ee” and “Ma-Ma” to “Daddy” and “Mommy”, she can identify many of her extended family from pictures, and I swear she saw the words “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” on the channel guide, and said “Daniel!”

Needless to say, I’m a bit smitten.

Our son William Edward (Wil) is due in February.  He’s named for one of my best friends, who left the world nearly 4 years ago at the age of 36.  As we get closer to February, I wonder how my little girl will handle being a big sister.  I never had siblings growing up, so I’m not sure how I would have handled it at her age.  Now, I know she’s still pretty little, and when she’s older, she won’t even remember a time when she didn’t have a little brother, but I still want to be ready for the here and now.

I just hope I can continue to be a good father, and even more important, be a good daddy.

The Documented Life

It’s probably for the best that I’m not a paranoid person.  Granted, the paranoid person wouldn’t  be nearly so transparent.  It amazes me the amount of information that we share about ourselves on a daily basis.   I’m sure that our activities on “free” sites is well paid for in the information that they provide to larger companies and advertisers.  Someone said “You’re not the customer on sites like Facebook, you’re the commodity”.  Twenty year old me would probably begin a scathing tirade about personal privacy and such, but 40 year old just doesn’t care.

I use social media sites like Facebook.  If I just want to comment on something, I’ll say it there.  If I have something I really want to say, I’ll write a post here, or one of the other blogs that I deal with on a very infrequent basis.  But then, I’ll link it on Facebook.  I don’t tweet.  Not cause I find it silly or anything else, I just never think about it.  I don’t “follow” twitter, anymore.  I just don’t have time.  I did for a while, and I tried to contribute, but honestly, I like words a bit too much to limit myself to short bursts of text.

I use sites like BoardGameGeek and GoodReads to catalog my collection, and find out things about other games or books that I might want to get involved with.  I use Facebook and Meetup to organize groups for gaming.

I have an Amazon Wishlist, I have a Netflix account, my facebook profile shows hundreds of things that I’ve “liked”.  It’s not hard to figure out what interests me.  Fine.

I track exercise with Endomondo, I have Moves on my phone, that keeps track of how much I walk during a day.  I have MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I eat, and keep me honest about my diet.

I blog here about my life and thoughts.  I used to write on LiveJournal.   I blog (ugh, when did I start using it as a verb?) on about board games.

For a while, I was using OptimizeMe, an app for my phone that let me track all of my daily activities, but after a month of logging, I didn’t feel like it was benefiting me in anyway, so I stopped using it.

In the past, when people died, it was frequently difficult to find out much about them, beyond census information, family photos, and spoken stories from loved ones.  With the digital age as it is, I feel like it will be easier to paint a picture of our ancestors, if we can see the way they interacted with the world.

Now, my question to you is:  Do you want your future generations to remember you by the things you said on facebook?  When we air our dirty laundry for the world to see, it’s frequently not something we can take back.  I’m nearing 40, and many of my friends from my own generation have kids leaving high school, or their kids have kids of their own.  It pains me, when I see people trash their (currently former) significant other, or defend themselves by slinging more of their own dirty laundry around.  If you want to talk about each other that way, I guess I can understand.  But just remember, someday, your kids will be able to look back through your profile on Facebook.

Brain Droppings (with apologies to George Carlin for using his book title)

As usual, it’s been a while since I’ve updated my 0+ readers with updates in my life.  You’ll not get any current updates today, either.  There’s been something old on my mind lately, and I think the best way to address it, is to write it out.

I’ve been reflecting on my hobbies, old and new, lately.  In the early 1990s, I latched on to the BBS scene, running up ridiculous phone bills, meeting interesting people, running my own BBS, writing my own utilities, and more.  I think I did that from 1991 to 1993 or so.   It was a hobby that I shared with a few of my close friends at the time, including my co-sysop, Bill.  Over the last several days, I’ve been watching a documentary on the BBS culture.  Until now, I don’t think it occurred to me that I joined in at the tail of its heydey, how deep its history was, and how insignificant my presence there was.  Today, there’s no record of my BBS on the web.  There’s no reference or notation of the addons that I wrote for Legend of the Red Dragon.  There’s no mention of my old bbs handle.  And, dammit, there’s no [wb_fb_f name=”co-sysop” id=”WilCurry”] around for me to swap stories with. Continue reading Brain Droppings (with apologies to George Carlin for using his book title)