Four Years

Jamie and I have been together for around eight years.  As of today, we’ve been married for four.  It is the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, or ever will be.  We’ve been through a lot, and we’ve weathered it beautifully.

We’ve seen a lot of friends come and go.  Kent, Amanda, Jaclyn, and more.  And we’ve come and gone, as well.  Leaving behind Kevin, Amelia, Randy, Robert, and many others.  I uprooted her when we first got together, bringing her to Vincennes, and we uprooted again last year, and now we’re where she grew up.  To our friends that we’re not around anymore, we miss you.

Since we married, we’ve discovered new things that we like, remodeled our house, brought an amazing little girl into the world, brought my mother into our household (twice technically), changed jobs, passed our business on to new hands, moved, said goodbye to our boys (the dogs), changed vehicles, had our hearts broken, moved again, tried to sell our old house (still trying, and folks, it’s a bargain.  Call me) and are now preparing greet our son, as he joins our family.

It’s been an amazing rollercoaster, and no, it’s not all been shiny-happy, but I wouldn’t change a single thing.

The Documented Life

It’s probably for the best that I’m not a paranoid person.  Granted, the paranoid person wouldn’t  be nearly so transparent.  It amazes me the amount of information that we share about ourselves on a daily basis.   I’m sure that our activities on “free” sites is well paid for in the information that they provide to larger companies and advertisers.  Someone said “You’re not the customer on sites like Facebook, you’re the commodity”.  Twenty year old me would probably begin a scathing tirade about personal privacy and such, but 40 year old just doesn’t care.

I use social media sites like Facebook.  If I just want to comment on something, I’ll say it there.  If I have something I really want to say, I’ll write a post here, or one of the other blogs that I deal with on a very infrequent basis.  But then, I’ll link it on Facebook.  I don’t tweet.  Not cause I find it silly or anything else, I just never think about it.  I don’t “follow” twitter, anymore.  I just don’t have time.  I did for a while, and I tried to contribute, but honestly, I like words a bit too much to limit myself to short bursts of text.

I use sites like BoardGameGeek and GoodReads to catalog my collection, and find out things about other games or books that I might want to get involved with.  I use Facebook and Meetup to organize groups for gaming.

I have an Amazon Wishlist, I have a Netflix account, my facebook profile shows hundreds of things that I’ve “liked”.  It’s not hard to figure out what interests me.  Fine.

I track exercise with Endomondo, I have Moves on my phone, that keeps track of how much I walk during a day.  I have MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I eat, and keep me honest about my diet.

I blog here about my life and thoughts.  I used to write on LiveJournal.   I blog (ugh, when did I start using it as a verb?) on about board games.

For a while, I was using OptimizeMe, an app for my phone that let me track all of my daily activities, but after a month of logging, I didn’t feel like it was benefiting me in anyway, so I stopped using it.

In the past, when people died, it was frequently difficult to find out much about them, beyond census information, family photos, and spoken stories from loved ones.  With the digital age as it is, I feel like it will be easier to paint a picture of our ancestors, if we can see the way they interacted with the world.

Now, my question to you is:  Do you want your future generations to remember you by the things you said on facebook?  When we air our dirty laundry for the world to see, it’s frequently not something we can take back.  I’m nearing 40, and many of my friends from my own generation have kids leaving high school, or their kids have kids of their own.  It pains me, when I see people trash their (currently former) significant other, or defend themselves by slinging more of their own dirty laundry around.  If you want to talk about each other that way, I guess I can understand.  But just remember, someday, your kids will be able to look back through your profile on Facebook.

Brain Droppings (with apologies to George Carlin for using his book title)

As usual, it’s been a while since I’ve updated my 0+ readers with updates in my life.  You’ll not get any current updates today, either.  There’s been something old on my mind lately, and I think the best way to address it, is to write it out.

I’ve been reflecting on my hobbies, old and new, lately.  In the early 1990s, I latched on to the BBS scene, running up ridiculous phone bills, meeting interesting people, running my own BBS, writing my own utilities, and more.  I think I did that from 1991 to 1993 or so.   It was a hobby that I shared with a few of my close friends at the time, including my co-sysop, Bill.  Over the last several days, I’ve been watching a documentary on the BBS culture.  Until now, I don’t think it occurred to me that I joined in at the tail of its heydey, how deep its history was, and how insignificant my presence there was.  Today, there’s no record of my BBS on the web.  There’s no reference or notation of the addons that I wrote for Legend of the Red Dragon.  There’s no mention of my old bbs handle.  And, dammit, there’s no [wb_fb_f name=”co-sysop” id=”WilCurry”] around for me to swap stories with. Continue reading Brain Droppings (with apologies to George Carlin for using his book title)

A few thoughts

First, I’ve noticed that I have a habit of posting “Part 1” entries, and never finishing them. Oops. So, this is just going to be a bit of an update.

I started the new job in June, classes started in August. I’ve been there just over 4 months now, and I’m loving it. I’ve helped get a board gaming club going at the high school, and I’ve started hosting events every two weeks at the local public library. It’s still a bit slow going, but it at least lets me teach a few games.

Betty’s growing so fast. She’s babbling, crawling at lightspeed, and pulling herself up on things to stand up. Two teeth, with more on the way.

My third anniversary is coming up in a few days, but we won’t be able to celebrate it until the weekend. Not sure what we’re going to do yet, but I’m sure it’ll be something fun.

My game design projects are stalled. The new job has kept me busy, and I don’t spend much time after work on a PC. Hopefully I can get back to them soon, but if not, so be it.

Ch.. ch… ch… ch… changes (Part 1)

A lot has happened since I introduced all two of my readers to Betty Jean.  Today, I’ll try to catch up.

Shortly after she was born, we visited Jamie’s hometown, and spent a few days with her family.  For the first time, the thought occurred to me, that I could be happy living there.  This was early March.  We talked about it, and came to the conclusion that maybe a year down the road, or around Christmas, we’d start looking at getting away from our long-standing home.  We mentioned it to our respective mothers.  Hers, to let her know we’d like to bring her granddaughter closer to her, mine, to let her know that we’d like to take her with us, when we go.

Continue reading Ch.. ch… ch… ch… changes (Part 1)

My silence

I’ve not posted much lately, on any of the blogs where I’m journaling 2013. I have a bit of an excuse, though. I’ll be posting some on Adventures in Renovation, in a couple of days. Quite a bit has happened. The flooring has been done, and the nursery has been painted. Speaking of the nursery…

I’m sitting in a hospital room with my lovely wife, while they get ready to induce her labor. Within the next day, I will be meeting my baby girl for the first time.

Needless to say, I’m in a bit of a daze.

More coming soon 🙂

Adventures in Renovations – Part 1

I’ve made a lot of progress at getting the former storage room/future nursery cleared out.  With luck, I should be able to get that finished late tonight, or early tomorrow.  Part of the process has been going through a comic collection and culling a LOT of stuff that I don’t need, which I am taking up to the shop, to sell for a dollar apiece.

The next step is going to be to move everything from the library into the nursery, so I can put down new flooring.  I’ve never put down flooring, and that’s why this is going to be an adventure.  A friend is going to coach me on the cutting.  I think I’ll do ok with it.  It’s the locking laminate from allen + roth, and I’m really looking forward to it.

The chore, I think, is going to be getting the bookshelves and table out of the room.   Hopefully, once I’m done, the room will look nice enough to take pictures of.

Getting ready for baby

Earlier I mentioned that we are re-flooring a major portion of the house before we are joined by our daughter. Part of that meant removing the carpet that was in our hallway. Once the carpet was out, we decided that the ugly wallpaper needed to go as well.

Removing the wallpaper revealed a few interesting holes in in the wall that needed patched. So, currently we’re at a stage where we have all the wallpaper down, all the holes patched, bare floors, and partially painted trim.

My mother came over after I got off work today, and we finished the trim. Going to take a stab at getting the wall painting done tomorrow evening. I’m sure it’s not going to be a stellar job, but at least I can say “I did that”.

Flooring the library is going to be a chore. The library has eight tall bookshelves lining two walls, a computer workbench, and a large dining room table in the center of the room. There’s also a closet that has an arcade game sticking out of it. I have no idea what I’m going to do with all of it.

Here are a few pictures I took in the library last week while I was cleaning.






